Friday, April 9, 2010

The Brewster Brothers and a Dead Body

Opening Night... Arsenic and Old Lace:
Jonathan Brewster, Mortimer Brewster, & a corpse.

I've you've never had an opportunity to watch this play, and enjoy dark comedy; you should definitely check out the 1944 Frank Capra movie version starring Cary Grant and Priscilla Lane.
Find it at


  1. Hi Steph, great makeup job on those boys! Thanks for the movie recommendation...think I'll go reserve it on Netflix right now. If I ever saw it, it was a long time ago! xo,

  2. Sounds interesting, Steph! Will look it up..

  3. I love that ad!!! Thanks so very much for the sweet comment you left on my Bottlecap Cupcake Pincushions. I really appreciate it! They will my "M" post later this week for Mini, so this will be one visit you will already have behind you! Have a delightful weekend! See you Thursday...

  4. What a terrific photo of the boys in their stage make-up! Love Arsenic and Old Lace! Theater productions are wonderful!
    Have a great weekend!

  5. The movie really is a bit scary, though; so don't watch it with little ones. :o

  6. Thanks for the kind remarks, i appreicate your support...I love that play, we did it in college and I helped with costumes! Have a great Sunday, we are watching the Masters!

  7. Oh Steph,
    This is my all time favorite favorite movie. It must be so much fun to see your sons in this play.


  8. How much fun is that?! Are all three your sons?

  9. Yes, they are all three ours! And it was so fun to watch them. The play was great, as it is very funny anyway; and we felt extremely glad for them and proud.


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